A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm and into your chest region.

The diaphragm is a large muscle that lies between your abdomen and chest. You use this muscle to help you breathe. Normally, your stomach is below the diaphragm, but in people with a hiatal hernia, a portion of the stomach pushes up through the muscle. The opening it moves through is called a hiatus.

This condition mostly occurs in people who are over 50 years old. It affects up to 60 percent of people by the time they’re 60 years old, according to the Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association.

Treatment options for hiatal hernias

Most cases of hiatal hernias don’t require treatment. The presence of symptoms usually determines treatment. If you have acid reflux and heartburn, you may be treated with medications or, if those don’t work, surgery.


  • Medications your doctor may prescribe include:
  • over-the-counter antacids to neutralize stomach acid
  • over-the-counter or prescription H2-receptor blockers that lower acid production
  • over-the-counter or prescription proton pump inhibitors to prevent acid production, giving your esophagus time to heal


If medications don’t work, you might need surgery on your hiatal hernia. 

Some types of surgery for this condition include:

  • rebuilding weak esophageal muscles
  • putting your stomach back in place and making your hiatus smaller
  • To perform surgery, doctors either make a standard incision in the chest or abdomen, or use laparoscopic surgery, which shortens recovery time.

There are also certain foods that may increase your risk of heartburn. Consider avoiding:

  • spicy foods
  • chocolate
  • foods made with tomatoes
  • caffeine
  • onions
  • citrus fruits
  • alcohol

Other ways to reduce your symptoms include:

  • stopping smoking
  • raising the head of your bed by at least 6 inches
  • avoiding bending over or lying down after eating

Self Pay Hiatal Hernia And Reflux Treatment Cost: $12,000

Self Pay / Cash Pay Hiatal Hernia Surgery

Hiatal hernia surgery can improve your health and quality of life, yet many people struggling with reflux may not qualify for insurance coverage, or they may not have Hernia benefits included as part of their health insurance plan. By paying cash for your hiatal hernia procedure, you enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Lower cost on hiatal hernia  surgery option
  • The same quality of care and comprehensive program

Why choose us

  • All of our physicians and specialists are certified by the American Board of Surgery with clinical focus in hernia surgery.
  • Our surgeons stay up to date on the latest hernia surgery techniques.
  • All of our surgeons are active members of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.
  • Our surgeons have performed thousands of successful hernia surgeries since 2000.