Day of Surgery

It is very common for most people to be nervous on the day of the surgery. Nerves are very normal but we make sure you feel at ease and supported prior to surgery. You can feel assured that the surgeons at our clinic are well experienced bariatric surgeons who have helped many people to have a safe, comfortable, and successful surgery.

What to expect:
  • You will be asked to fill out some paperwork, assistance is available to help you understand what the paperwork means, and you can get assistance from a friend or family member during this time.
  • You will be provided with a gown to change into, to be worn until you change to go home after surgery and recovery.
  • Once inside the operating room, your heartbeat will be tracked by putting sticky pads on your chest. Throughout the procedure, you will be given an oxygen mask to wear.
  • Pain medicine and anesthesia will be given to you to make you feel calm and fall asleep before the procedure.
  • After the anesthesiologist gives you medicine to make you fall asleep, the next thing you know you’ll be waking up in the recovery room. You will be asked to try standing up and walking with help.
  • Depending upon your surgical procedure and the recovery speed, you may spend several hours up to a few days in the hospital. Many times the procedures require just a one night stay in the hospital, while others may require being in the hospital for a few days

When One Is Confident And Ready To Go Home

  • Discharge instructions will be given to you and your family members.
  • The date and time of your first follow up appointment will be confirmed.
  • Prescriptions for pain medication are given.
  • Your eating plan for the first few weeks will start out with liquids only.
  • This can be an exciting and scary event, but we are there to make sure you feel educated and confident in your choice.